Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pizza Fixin's

No gluten? No problem!

Amy's makes a gluten free, rice crust cheese pizza that- after a bit of doctoring up- is just as good, if not better, as your run of the mill frozen pizza. Right off the bat, the texture of the crust might seem a tad off but after the first slice it's barely noticeable.

Now the fun part! Toppings. For my pizza I chose to add some:

  • pesto
  • kalamata olive tapenade
  • goat cheese
  • chicken
The best part about frozen pizzas are the endless topping possibilities. When I am home for breaks, my dad and I enjoy digging through the fridge to find as many toppings as we can and try out weird combos; relish, sriracha and crunchy peanut butter have all had their close ups during our weird pie escapades. ...but seriously. the options are endless. 
  • mushrooms
  • shrimp
  • tomatoes
  • potato chips
  • peppers
  • peperoncinis
  • prosciutto
  • onions 
You get the idea. 

Here are the results of my simple but delicious dinner:


Just a fair warning, I have also tried Udi's gluten free frozen pizza....don't even bother. It's terrible compared to Amy's. However, Amy's gluten free DAIRY free frozen pizza is depressing. Don't bother with that either, no bueno. 

Happy pizza-ing!
