Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I am fortunate enough to have the skill of being able to surround myself with friends who have adventurous palates and cravings for exotic foods. One of our favorite cuisines to experience together is Thai food.

A few nights ago we rounded up the troops and set out to complete our mission: Devouring. Delicious. Delicacies.

As our adventure began we were served cups of a complimentary soup...which I was not very fond of...

The therapy session began.

As our entrees began filtering out of the busy kitchen, the next round of sob stories and annoyances began to flit from our lips into each other's ears. We began shoveling piles of curry soaked rice and mounds of pad thai into our systems, hardly paying attention to the flavors we had been tasting, barely chewing so that we could quickly agree to the latest gossip being shared.

I find that taking on the unexpected role of "personal therapist" while trying to eat, often detracts from the experience one should be fully absorbing. Instead of taking your time and appreciating A) the combinations of flavors that have just entered your eager mouth B) the atmosphere that surrounds you and C) the fact that you even HAVE food in front of you, your entire existence in said food establishment is rushed and over before you even sit down.

It is because of this (lame) cultural norm that I, actually, often make sure I have some left overs to take home with me. Even if those left overs are eaten 30 minutes after I return home- come on, you've all done it- I find myself having a completely different experience with that food than I did in the bustling restaurant. The flavors are different, my tongue gets a chance to catch up and analyze each taste and hey, this time I even had time to realize that I chose a spicy level that is, in fact, far too spicy for even my spice loving buds.

All in all, I find it a shame that we have been bred to go go go, and are never taught to take a siesta and enjoy the spices of life - no pun intended- before they pass us by completely.


1 comment:

  1. I'd like to have known more about what you ate and what was discussed.
