Tuesday, February 19, 2013


A response to the documentary: The Future Of Food :

I was enraged.
I felt betrayed.

I honestly had zero idea that the industrial farming industry has become far more corrupt and warped than I had already had knowledge of. It disgusts me that something as essential and seemingly basic as our food is now mainly run by down right greedy corporations. While the facades of small town farmers are plastered everywhere in a super market from the store's logo to the egg cartons, to the strawberry containers aren't fooling anyone, I still had hope. This documentary brought to light the fact that the community and trading aspect of farming is nearly gone. Despite the smaller counter revolutions of farmer's markets and local weekly produce membership clubs, those who do not have access to such a privilege are sucked into the industrial trap.

The ending fades out with the narrators voice stating that "It's up to you" and then leaves you with the documentary's website for more information. I sat there with a blank look on my face and spoke out loud to the screen "But what do I have to do to get involved?! You can just leave me with a prophecy and then fade to black!" Once I took the liberty to actually go to their website and check it out, I found an entire page of organizations who are fighting for the preservation of food in its original genetic state.

The least I am planning on doing is signing some sort of petition if not get involved in a more hands on way. While slightly corny at times- excuse the pun- I found that this film was effective, eye opening and persuading. It wasn't the most visually pleasing but it definitely had a lot of valuable information to present.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for wanting to get involved. There's a lot going on, even in Boulder County.
