Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I have been thinking about what topic I want to research for my food research paper and these are the topics I have come up with as possibilities so far:

1. Lunch programs in public schools. How have they evolved? What changes will they undergo in the near future? What has changed in the way of nutritional value? How many schools prepare fresh lunch vs pre packaged? Does that change based on the region of the US? Why? What programs exist that are focused on changing school lunch programs for the better? Are child obesity rates higher in regions that refuse to prepare fresh lunches for their kids? What kind of programs exist in the case where a child cannot afford to buy lunch but is in line to get lunch? Is it cheaper for a parent to buy lunch tickets (or what ever sort of program set up is available) than it is to buy healthy foods to pack for their child lunch?

2. Food allergies. How are they developed over time? Which ones are most likely genetically passed down? Is there a way to prevent them? How does acupuncture work to resolve said allergies? Are there foods that we should remove from our diets permanently regardless if we are allergic or not? Does cutting gout gluten prevent you from getting sick? If you are not allergic to gluten is cutting it out of your diet harmful or does it have a neutral affect? At what rate have reported cases of food allergies been rising or declining?

3. Dairy. Why do we still drink milk? Is it actually beneficial to us? What are the fallacies in the drink milk message? Why are we they only mammal species that consumes milk after the nursing period? what are the negative affects of milk? what are the positive? can we get the same nutrition from other sources? why are we still able to digest it?

So far I am leaning towards the first two but they are all of interest to me.

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