Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Paper Topic Responses:

     Megan's topic is about food international taboos. She is choosing to focus more specifically on African, Indian and other Asian delicacies that we in America might view as inedible or "gross". I think it's a good topic to choose due to the fact that it lends itself to researching how what we are taught while we are growing up effects our future mentality. I would be interested to hear what sort of things we eat that other countries find disgusting. Additionally I would be interested to hear about which delicacies are eaten on a daily basis and which were saved for special occasions and why.

     Carrie's paper will be focused on salmon farming. The benefits, the drawbacks and what has and will be changed. I am particularly interested in this subject because my family and I eat a good amount of salmon and other fish. We try to buy wild caught but when that is not available, it would be nice to know more about what we are putting into our bodies. I know that recently farmers have begun feeding their fish corn...which fish aren't meant to digest...and would be interested in how it affects the fish in terms of the nutrients we get out of it.

William's paper will discuss the Michelin Star System and Guide. His presentation on the subject was very intriguing and since I had never even heard of this restaurant rating system I found myself wanting to know more and more about it. I was glad to hear that while his paper is focused around this system, he didn't choose to praise it, he chose to introduce the rather recent counter culture that refuses to be defined by three star confinement. It would be cool if William actually chose to go to a three star restaurant as well as a "rebellion" restaurant and have him do a mini critique and comparison.

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